Zack Lugo

By Ken Tse / Aaron Sabeti
Zack Lugo

Ever since his viral “questions for girls” video, Zack Lugo’s TikTok career has been going nowhere but up. His formula for fame is mainly a healthy mix of dancing and acting videos with the occasional skateboarding and/or comedy content, landing him a massive fan base of 2.2 million followers and counting. Zack has practically trademarked the “black beanie & hair out the sides” look, accessorized with a safety pin and his 2 distinct silver necklaces. He’s also been able to socialize with other TikTokers with similar content, meeting up to make TikToks with the likes of @annabananaxdddd (8m) and @evacudmore (2.1m), a mutually beneficial game plane that’s boosted all of their accounts. He’s enjoyed his time as an influencer, as it’s come with plenty of new friends and a new look he’s feeling more confident in. We recently spoke with Zack Lugo about his account ban, upcoming merch, and more!

For those who aren’t familiar with your videos, tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you get started on the app?

My name is Zack Lugo. I'm a TikTok creator and I’ve been on the app for a little over a year now. I have 2 million+ followers. I do a wide variety of content such as skating, acting, dancing, comedy, and positivity videos. I started this app as a joke cause I was bored and I ended up getting really good views so I stuck with it.

Which video do you most credit for starting your TikTok fame?

The video that started my fame was titled “questions for girls”. I would ask questions that most guys would want to know and other creators or viewers would duet answering those questions.

It seems like you cover all of your bases in your content: dance challenges, POVs, short comedy bits. With that said, where do you typically draw inspiration from when creating content?

Inspiration for my videos is just to be myself.

You collaborate with some of the most entertaining TikTokers on the app. What has been the best part about meeting these creators?

The best part of meeting all these creators is getting to know their personality on a personal level. Also creating videos and building a friendship with them.

Your Famous Birthdays says that you had an account that was deleted at 67k followers. Has this setback affected the way you go about making content now?

Yes, it was a rough day, and still to this day I have no clue why it was banned. I could have just quit that day, but I saw it as an advantage to build my account faster because now I knew what I wanted to post and already knew how to work the app. But it definitely sucked.

Would you recommend being an influencer to anyone else? Why or why not?

I would highly recommend being an influencer. It is very cool to express yourself and influence other people to spread positivity or to go skate or to just be themselves. I’m very thankful to be in this position.

What can we catch you doing on your day off?

Well I usually make videos every day no matter what, but I skate on my free time and watch YouTube. Just take some time to work on myself. I love to be alone too.

If you could have one superpower, what would that be and why?

If I had one superpower, I would choose to fly but I feel like that would get old really fast so I have to go with reading people's minds to see what they think about me.

With 2.3 million social media followers, your life has clearly changed over the past year. Who do you owe your biggest thanks to for this success?

I owe everything to my mom. She has supported me when no one else really did at the time. As I was starting to take off, she was helping me with my videos and sending me ideas. She was lots of help so I owe it all to my mom.

Lastly, what’s next for Zack Lugo?

Merch. March is coming soon. I'm super excited, it’s been a long process but I want it to look professional and I’m very excited with the outcome and there’s also one really big thing coming up but I can’t say.


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