Skyla Lynne

By Ken Tse
Skyla Lynne

Skyla Lynne can do it all; besides having a TikTok account with over 1.4 million followers, she’s an aspiring singer/songwriter, too! After losing her first account in 2019, she started a new one which achieved quick viral success. In doing so, Sklya has continued to put out “creative, unique videos and build an amazing fan base.” She says that her social media success has finally given her a great opportunity to promote her music career. Her covers of Billie Eilish’s “wish you were gay” and original songs like “when the days over” have gotten significant praise on YouTube and other platforms. As for TikTok, Skyla is known to do it all; from comedy, to dance, commentary, her content has earned her over 53.1 million likes and a growing following. Some of her recent videos have featured names like Durte Dom, Maria Presta, and Sir The Star. We recently spoke to the influencer about her journey as a TikToker, the pressure of social media, and more!

Tell us a little bit about yourself, how did you get started on TikTok?

In 2019, I started making videos just for fun on my first account, @Skyla_lynne_, but accidentally Tiktok deleted it, along with thousands of other Tiktokers accounts. So, I made a new account and the first video I posted was about how I wanted Tiktok to give back my old account and that video blew up and ever since then I just continued to make creative, unique videos and build an amazing fan base.

You mention in your bio that you sing! In what ways has your social media success affected your musical aspirations?

I actually worked to build a name for myself in order to create a fan base for my music. I have been singing and songwriting ever since I was a-little kid and have used my platform to promote my music on YouTube. My social media success has affected my musical aspirations by giving me, not only a real chance in a singing career, but a platform to share my music and spread my voice.

With a platform of over 1.4 million social media followers, do you ever feel pressured to make content? If so, how do you overcome that?

I feel pressured every day to put out good content. I have and still at times struggle to overcome it because when I feel I need a break and stop posting for a few days I see a noticeable difference in my views. However, for instance, this past week was a perfect example were I needed a break from social media to focus and work on my mental health. How I overcame this pressure was knowing that if I did not take care of myself first I wouldn’t be able to make the good quality content that my followers love. 

What is your typical process when it comes to making TikToks?

I normally either find an audio that I feel would be fun to do or I come up with something funny I want to talk about I just turn the camera on and record!

Has this changed since the start of the pandemic?

Yes, sadly I planned to move out to LA to collaborate with people and now it has become difficult to be able to take a video with anyone without the fear of cancellation. 

Can you share an experience that never would’ve happened if it wasn’t for TikTok?

I would not be living out in LA right now or have the same life I have! It has changed my life for the better and has introduced me to some of the most amazing and talented people. I am extremely grateful for all the opportunities I have had and continue to get.

Who are your biggest inspirations, both in the entertainment and music world?

My biggest inspiration at the moment is Taylor Swift. I get inspired by different people at different times in my life according to my goals and aspirations at that moment in my life. 

If you could make a TikTok with anyone, who would that be and why?

Dixie D’amelio because I love her energy and feel like it matches mine most of the time. Also she has a love for music and no matter what the public says she continues to keep doing what she loves which is inspiring.

Besides singing, what are some of your favorite hobbies outside of TikTok?

I have been acting since I was 3 and am currently an acting major. Acting and singing go hand and hand and I love them both with all my heart. It makes me who I am and without it I do not know what else I would want to do with my life besides it. 

Lastly, anything to plug? What’s next for Skyla Lynne?

I am out and doing bigger and better things! Be looking out for me in the movies and coming out with new music soon! Hopefully I will be performing concerts around the world in no time:)


Zack Lugo


Stoudamire Meninzor