Gen-Z’s newest hyper-pop star releases debut album MUSIC BOX


As the music industry becomes increasingly digitized, the hyper-pop sound is being headlined by artists like Charli XCX, the late Sophie, and today’s focus, CMTEN. At only 19 years old, CMTEN (c-m-ten) has found major viral success on TikTok with his single “NEVER MET!” Platform users around the world filmed themselves in a variety of poses with colorful filters to the chorus of the hit song featuring Glitch Gum, and a 100 Gecs remix only further popularized both “NEVER MET!” and CMTEN. Though “NEVER MET!” is his most successful single, the artist first released his debut single, “DATING AND DEPRESSION,” in 2019. In addition to this, CMTEN proudly totes an album, 2021’s MUSIC BOX, as another integral part of his discography. We recently spoke to the perpetually rising star about his experience finding fame on the internet, the meaning behind some songs on his new album, and more! 

CMTEN! Thanks so much for speaking with us. Tell us a little bit about yourself! How did you start making music?

Thanks for the opportunity! My name’s Cole, and I’m a 20-year-old musician based in Salt Lake City, Utah. I grew up singing in various choirs, as well as playing the piano. In 2017, I got a MIDI keyboard and started producing, utilizing my past musical knowledge to make the jump toward creating my own work. 

 Can you explain the name CMTEN?

 My online username when I was younger was “netmrc.” My music is highly influenced by the time I spent on the internet growing up, so it feels only appropriate that my artist name is an homage to that whole thing. I put netmrc backwards (crmten) but didn’t like the R in there, so I ended up going with CMTEN!

 You rose to prominence on TikTok with “NEVER MET!” What was it like to blow up on the app?

 It was pretty cool, to be honest. I never expected anything like this to happen, and it was absolutely insane seeing the song grow. It’s incredible watching so many people enjoy something that I made. TikTok can change people’s lives overnight.

Photo Credit: Warner Press

Photo Credit: Warner Press

 “NEVER MET!” spawned several remixes. Was it surprising to discover all these artists interested in working with you?

 I wouldn’t say it was necessarily surprising, but more so just exciting. Like I obviously never expected to have 100 gecs remix one of my songs, but I was just ecstatic when it happened.

Who’s an artist you’d love to collaborate with?

I’d love to work with underscores, glaive, or even someone like Skrillex. I listen to so much different music, and honestly, I’d be happy to work with artists from any vein.

A big component of your work is an utterly digital sound that’s sort of reminiscent of feedback. I love it, and I think you just may be one of the pioneers of this sound. Can you tell us why/how you started incorporating it into your work?

Originally I came up with these sounds because I really didn’t know how to produce them. Things would happen by accident, and sounds kind of cool, so I’d simply keep them in my tracks. I’d also say I’m very influenced by EDM sound design, so some of this sound is inspired by things like riddim and hardstyle and stuff like that. It’s a mix of legitimate influence and happy accidents.

“NEVER MET!” is hyper pop through and through, however, a lot of your work is more mellow, though equally synthetic. “I Want A Shawty Who Plays Minecraft” is just one example. How do you manage to keep a consistent tone while changing the mood of your music?

I don’t make a concentrated effort to maintain a single sound throughout my music. However, I think my vocals definitely hold them all together, albeit somewhat inadvertently. Even though I always process my voice differently, I think they keep a certain tone no matter what genre I explore.

MUSIC BOX Cover Artwork: Click to Listen!

MUSIC BOX Cover Artwork: Click to Listen!

Congratulations on the release of your debut album, MUSIC BOX! How does it feel to have completed this large milestone?

 It feels fantastic. I put my heart into MUSIC BOX, and I’ve been working on these songs for what feels like an eternity. I’m so glad that the world can finally listen to them.

The entire album is great, but my personal favorite song is “angel (so bad)” for sure. It seems a little personal. What’s it about?

At the time I wrote “angel (so bad),” I was talking to a guy on Tinder that I was way too into. The track stands as a simple detail of my emotional state- about both my view of myself and my view of this guy. He ghosted me right after I made the track, but at least I got some good art out of it.

Did you have any difficulty opening yourself up in your music?

I don’t think so. My songs are my therapy; I just dump a bunch of emotions and frustration onto a beat without a thought towards how it’ll be perceived. After I released “MUSIC BOX,” I almost thought maybe I opened up too much, but it seems that people can relate to my feelings which is cool to see.

 If you could write a song about anything, what would you write about? Why?

 It definitely depends on where I am mentally. The majority of my songs simply detail my experiences and emotional state at the time of writing. I find this to be the most fulfilling writing process; it just feels so good to get feelings out through art. So honestly I’d just write about what I’m going through.

Photo Credit: Warner Press

Photo Credit: Warner Press

It’s been two years since the release of your debut single, “DATING AND DEPRESSION.” How do you think your sound has changed since then?

I’d say I’ve definitely improved and advanced as a musician, but I still really like this track. I feel I have a bit more EDM inspiration in my music now than I did when I made DATING AND DEPRESSION. You guys should listen to this one if you haven’t already!

What’s the most important piece of advice you’ve learned along the way?

Try to recognize your own talent! If you’re an artist, you’re constantly going to want to evolve and experiment. But if you don’t have confidence in yourself and what you’re doing, it’ll become difficult to push boundaries. Just try new stuff and don’t be scared!

What’s 2021 looking like for CMTEN?

It’s a bit up in the air, to be honest. I’m working on lots of new music right now, some of which I hope will be released this year. But no guarantees!


Meredith Bull

