
Artist delivers musical bliss with mini-album Somewhere In Between


Two years after her musical debut, Eloise reaffirms that nothing can beat pure songwriting excellence. The artist makes her return with Somewhere In Between, a mini-album bursting with rolling choruses, blissful harmonies, and eloquent lyricism. Her brilliance shines through and through here; tracks like "Intertwined" and "Lines" painting moments of bliss, sadness, and triumph, or as she best describes it: “Lost, Innocent, Found.” The project serves as a palette cleanser for what have been tumultuous times. Her 2019 EP, This Thing Called Living EP, is still as popular as ever, earning the artist over 30 million Spotify streams and a devoted fanbase. We spoke to Eloise about her songwriting processes, plans for 2021, and more! 

Photo Credit: Charlotte Patmore

Photo Credit: Charlotte Patmore

Hey Eloise! First of all, congrats on the release of the mini-album – it is SPECTACULAR. How are we feeling now that it’s out?           

I’m so glad you like it !! I really love this project. It’s my heart in sound waves. I think because of that I’m less scared about it being out...I think it’s honest and me and that’s all I could hope for. People liking it is just a wonderful pro!

It’s been two years since your debut EP, which is still so beloved – what do you feel has changed most about your music during this time?                

I’ve simply just gotten a bit older and lived a bit more than I had when I wrote the first project. I think the production, songwriting, and singing on this mini-album is just a bit more grown-up and more accurate to who I am and what I listen to.

Was your creative process any different this time around?

My creative process is all over the place. I try not to impose structure to the way I write if I’m alone. I think it’s absolutely crucial when writing songs like these, that no pretence or agenda gets in the way...other than the subject matter. But often I’ll just sit down at the piano or with the guitar and play chords I know and love and, very often, I’ll play a wrong chord by mistake and it will appeal to me and that’s where the next song will begin. Generally, the melodies and chords come first.

You describe the making of the project “emotional and cathartic.” How so?

I just think that getting any pent-up feelings out in any way is cathartic. And to get your feelings right is an unbelievable feeling! It's a form of journaling or therapy to me.

Which song did you find most difficult to write?

To be frank, they were all fairly easy to write… I had sat with the feelings long enough so when it came to writing, it was just about speaking it out loud. The song that took the longest was ‘Intertwined’ because when I wrote the initial idea I knew it was probably going to be my favourite one and that it was crucial that I got the feeling spot on...so I felt the pressure around the writing of it. But even that didn’t take more than an hour.


“Intertwined” is absolutely beautiful. Can you walk us through the inspiration for the track?

‘Intertwined’ is about the feeling that you’ve let a love pass you by because you have a deep knowing that your day will come. It’s as simple as that really!

Describe this album in just three words.

In three words: Lost, Innocent, Found

Who would you say are some of the artists that inspired the sound of this latest album?

I couldn’t really say! I was listening to a lot of pop when I wrote it but obviously, that didn’t come through! I guess a bit of Jono Mcleary, Joni Mitchel, and Jim Croce are the first names that come to mind.

Do you have a personal favorite from Somewhere in Between?

It changes all the time but I think ‘Lines’ is my fave. I just love the production and how soft and dark it is.

What do you want fans to take away most from your music?

A feeling of companionship in not really knowing what's going on! It’s so important to know that you're not the only person who’s ever felt something. That’s what gets me through rubbish moments.


You’ve had such an incredible career thus far. Is there any moment that still feels surreal to you?

I think the fact that after two years of not having released music, people were still there, waiting! The support I’ve gotten on the releases recently have been mind boggling. People are so deeply loving and it’s so surreal to hear that someone who doesn’t know you loves and appreciates you and what you do!

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

I owe it all to Bruno Major and my manager Sam Bailey. They both saw something in me when we all met (still don’t know what that “thing” is) and they have believed in me and my work wholeheartedly. Their generosity in all manners is so moving and I will never stop loving them and appreciating all they’ve done for me.

What does 2021 have in store for Eloise? 

Who knows! I’m just planning on getting my head down and doing the work….and every now and then popping back up for a glass of red and a cig with my friends ;)





Ashley Mehta