Lani Rose

Lani Rose

Lani Rose’s unique and versatile catalog of music is the mark of a true visionary. His style combines powerful beats (which he produces himself) with wonderful melodic indie pop melodies. The artist began his music journey when he was just a teen, having been inspired by the EDM artists of the day. His 2019 single “Warm Blanket” has racked up over 500K Spotify plays, with many of his other singles like “Damaged” and “Enough” receiving significant success. Since he was featured on Spotify’s Fresh Finds: Indie playlist, the artist has amassed over 73K monthly listeners on the service alone. Rose’s 2020 EP Permanent Beta is the culmination of his recent work, a project that showcases the artist’s unique sound. We recently spoke with him about his dream collab, his new EP, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I started shortly after turning 13 by using an online beat loop website. EDM artists like Skrillex and Flux Pavilion heavily influenced me at my start. 

It’s collab time: who are you making a song with?


How do you spend your time out of the studio?

Reading Self Help Books, playing Xbox, and hanging out with my girlfriend.

Describe your music in three words.

Honest Internal Dialogue.

“Dead and Gone” seems like an emotional song for you. What inspired the song?

“Dead and Gone” is essentially how I’ve felt since 4th grade, but I didn’t exactly know how or when I’d be able to put it into words. I find that a lot of my actions are done out of a want/need to be heard, understood, and acknowledged. Be it for my actions, pain, or some subconscious feelings of being neglected. This yearning is something I feel many people from all backgrounds especially those who are like me (African American) simply because we all have unique experiences and yet can be neglected or stereotyped so easily.

You write and produce your music. What do you like most about wearing both hats?

The creative freedom/control I get. It’s a strength and a weakness because I can do whatever I want and can do, but at the same flip of the coin. I can only do what I’m capable of doing, so there’s a lot of a self belief and learning that’s required when choosing to continue to operate solo dolo. Saving money/keeping royalties is also a nice plus ;).

Any future projects for fans to get excited about?

Yuuuuurrrrrrr! Permanent Beta is out now!! It dives into a lot of themes about me as a child and my relationships with my brothers. Very very very excited about this!!!




Hannah Blackburn