Gaonha Lee

Photo Credit: Edwin Aguilar

TikToker Gaonha Lee brings her distinct personality and creativity to each video she makes. The entertainer originally started posting to the app after encouragement from her younger sister (Maihua Lee)’s fans. 143.7K followers and an impressive 3.3 million likes later, the posts have now turned into an outlet for her creative side. Gaohna plans on expanding her career as a dancer, a talent which is often seen in her most popular content. But, whether she’s dancing, having fun with others, or turning on her serious side for a POV, her videos have continued to resonate with a devoted fanbase. More recently, the entertainer has taken on a new venture; she and Maihua are releasing their first single “Voicemail,” next month! We recently spoke with Gaonha about her start as a TikToker, her plans for the future, and more!

Did you have any specific plans or ideas when you joined TikTok?

I wanted to further my career as a dancer, while making content that can influence positivity. I saw an opportunity to connect with people and my story is something that may be able to help others. Tiktok gave me a platform to do so.

What was the video that helped catapult you towards virality?

My sister got me noticed. One day she decided to add me to a Tiktok video and her fans told me I should start my own. I knew Tiktok was a positive thing for my sister so I thought it might be able to help me too.

What’s a TikTok trend you never got? What’s one you wish you can bring back?

I can’t say there is one because Tiktok is truly fluid. There is always a space for every type of person using the app. Even if I didn’t get it, it’s nice knowing someone else will. As for a comeback, I liked the catfish challenges, being able to dress up as someone else or break stereotypes is awesome.

Where do you mainly draw your inspiration from for your videos?

I think art is about collaboration. Even if you aren’t in the same room. I get inspiration from other creators, it’s always important to give credit though. In this world of social media anything you see can be an inspiration. I would like to point out though that I do pull inspiration from followers and family because those are the people I watch the most. Fans asked me to talk about our break up struggles and it birthed our new song, it’s really incredible how things work out.

If you could work with any TikToker, which would it be?

I’m lucky enough to have Maihua as my sister, because she really is great at her work and getting to do Tiktoks with her is amazing. If I had to pick another one I would say my followers, because creating content with people who get my art is so fulfilling.

What was the last song you listened to?

Our song “Voicemail”. I am creating a dance campaign for it so I listen to it often. I am preparing for the Tiktok dance release as well and that just adds to the replay count!

Do you have any future plans regarding your TikTok career?

I just want to keep creating and do more collaborations. I want to continue to spread positivity and grow bigger with YouTube as well. If I can continue with this as a career it would be a dream come true, I feel so lucky to even have the option.


Jordan Smikle


Maihua Lee